How do I backup specific files and folders?

This FAQ will show you how to how to backup specific files and folders stored on your machine

This will allow you to save only the files that are most important to you.

Please note: Before you can create a backup, you need to have installed the backup agent on your machine.

Step 1 of 9

Using the machine you have installed the backup agent on already, access your Backup control panel, and click on the All Machines tab.

For the machine you wish to backup, click on the Enable Backup button. Here, you can choose whether to only backup specific files or to back up the entire machine.

Step 2 of 9

To backup only specific files, click on the What To Back Up section, and select from the drop down list whether you would like to back up a specific disk or volume, specific files and folders, or the system state.

Step 3 of 9

In this example, we have selected Files/Folders. Now you must select which files you would like to back up by clicking on the Items To Backup section.

Step 4 of 9

You can now navigate through the Folder structure and use the tick boxes next to each file and folder to mark them to be backed up. Once complete, click on the Done button.

Step 5 of 9

Click on the Cog icon to edit the settings for your new Backup. For example, you can change the day for weekly backups.

Step 6 of 9

You can click on the Where to Back Up section to choose whether to backup to Cloud storage, or to a local or network drive.

Step 7 of 9

Click on the Schedule section to select when and how often you want the backup to run. For example, for a daily back up, you can select what time to start the backup to run and whether you want to run it every day, or just Monday to Friday.

Step 8 of 9

Use the How Long to Keep section to select how long you want to keep your backups for. Use the + and – symbols to change the time frames.

Step 9 of 9

Once you’ve completed setting up your backup, click on the Apply button to start backing up your files. You will be asked to name your backup so you can return to it later.