How do I create a domain profile?

This article will show you how to create a domain profile within your 123 Reg account.

If you have a particular set of details that you want to apply to multiple domains in your account (i.e. forwarders, nameservers, etc), you can use domain profiles to help streamline the whole process, rather than go through each domain and apply them one-by-one. To create a profile, simply follow the instructions outlined below:

Please note: this article was originally created for our current Control Panel. As such, the steps outlined below may not be relevant for domain names purchased before September 2023 as we will be migrating them to our current Control Panel between August and December 2023.

Step 1 of 6

Start by logging in to your 123 Reg Control Panel.

Step 2 of 6

Next, select Manage All opposite Domains within the ‘All Products and Services’ section.

Step 3 of 6

You will now see a complete list of your purchased domain names. From here, select Profiles in the right-hand corner.

Step 4 of 6

Click New Profile from the list of options.

Step 5 of 6

A pop-up window will now appear, where you can give your profile a name and description. You can also configure its settings, which will be applied to all domains using this profile. This includes the following:

  1. Domain Defaults: set its auto-renewal and domain lock settings.
  2. Contact Info: set the contact info that will be applied to all domains within this profile or leave it as ‘Not specified’.
  3. Nameservers: set which nameservers all domains within this profile will use (i.e. 123 Reg’s or your own).
  4. Forwarding: set what type of forwarding all domains within this profile will use (i.e. Permanent, Temporary or Forward with Masking). For more details on this, please read the following article: What is web forwarding?
Step 6 of 6

Once you’ve done this, click Save to create your profile.