123 Reg Support

Create a new WordPress admin user in the database

This article will show you how to add a new user on WordPress

If you want to add an admin to WordPress, this can be done from within the database.

Simply click on a title below to skip to the most appropriate FAQ. You can also click the Top button to return and make another selection.

Managed WordPress Hosting plans purchased after May 2021

Step 1 of 4

Start by accessing your Managed WordPress dashboard. For details on how to do this, please read our Support article: How do I access my Managed WordPress dashboard?

Step 2 of 4

From there, select Users from the right-hand menu, followed by Add New.


Step 3 of 4

Enter the necessary details for your user and be sure to set their Role to Administrator.


Step 4 of 4

Once done, select Add New User to confirm your change.


Web Hosting plans purchased after July 2020 / Premium Hosting plans purchased after August 2020 (cPanel)

Step 1 of 12

Log into phpMyAdmin.


Step 2 of 12

Find the database for your WordPress website from the left-hand menu and expand the options by selecting the + icon that appears next to it.


Step 3 of 12

Once done, select the wp_users option.


Step 4 of 12

On the next page, select the Insert tab from the navbar.


Step 5 of 12

Enter as much as you can into the following fields:

  • ID: any number you want
  • user_login: your WordPress username.
  • user_pass: the password for the user. You’ll also need to select MD5 from the Functions menu
  • user_nicename: the nickname for this user
  • user_email: the email address you want to use for this user
  • user_registered: the date and time when this user was registered
  • user_status: this must be set to 0
  • display_name: the name that will be displayed for this user


Step 6 of 12

Once you’ve input these details, select Go to confirm this information.


Step 7 of 12

From there, select the wp_usermeta option from the left-hand menu.


Step 8 of 12

On the next page, select the Insert tab from the navbar.


Step 9 of 12

Complete the following fields:

  • user_id: the ID you entered in the _users form
  • meta_key: enter the phrase wp_capabilities. If you use WordPress Hosting or a custom database table prefix, you’ll need to include that unique prefix in this phrase, which can be found in the left-hand column on the current page. For example, wp_ExamplePrefix_capabilities
  • meta_value: this should be the sentence a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;s:1:”1″;}


Step 10 of 12

Once done, select Go to confirm this information.


Step 11 of 12

Select the Insert tab once more and enter the following information:

  • user_id: the same number you entered in the _usermeta table
  • meta_key: enter the phrase wp_user_lev
  • meta_value: this must be set to 10


Step 12 of 12

Once done, select Go to confirm this information. You can now login as the new Admin user.