How do I edit FTP users in my hosting account?

This article will show you how to change the password and quota limit for your FTP users.

If you want to change the password or quota for your existing FTP users, you can do so by following these instructions.

If, however, you wish to change the directory that the user can access, you’ll need to delete the user and create a new account for them that features this updated directory link.

Please note: this process only applies to Web Hosting plans purchased after July 2020 and Premium Hosting plans purchased after August 2020 (cPanel).

Step 1 of 4

Start by accessing your Web Hosting dashboard.

Step 2 of 4

Select the FTP Manager tab from your account dashboard.

Step 3 of 4

On the FTP Accounts page, select the option Change Password or Change Quota alongside the user you want to edit.

This will open the field for you to make any changes.

Step 4 of 4

Once you’ve made your changes, click Change Password or Change Quota to confirm them.