How do I update the database password within my configuration file?

This article will show you how to change the username and password within the configuration file on your hosting package.

If you’ve changed the username or password for any databases within your hosting package, you will need to update your configuration file to reflect these changes as well.

If you use WordPress as your Content Management System (CMS), simply follow the instructions below. If, however, you use any other platform, please consult your web developer.

Step 1 of 5

Start by accessing File Manager for your hosting package.


Step 2 of 5

From here, double-click the folder public_html to open it.


Step 3 of 5

On the next page, you’ll see all the files associated with your website.

Select the file wp-config.php and then click Edit in the toolbar.


Step 4 of 5

A pop-up window will now appear, asking you to select which character encoding you wish to use. Leave this as utf-8 and then select Edit.


Step 5 of 5

You will now be shown all the usernames and passwords for your database. From here, you’ll need to change the text that appears within the quotation marks. For example, if you changed the password for your database to ‘coolexample123’, then the text should appear as follows:

/** Database password */
define( ‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘coolexample123’ );

Once you’ve made the necessary changes, click Save Changes to confirm them.