123 Reg Support

What is the HTML validator?

This FAQ will help you to use the HTML validator

Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is the language of the internet. HTML, along with CSS, controls what your website is, and how it looks. These days, with growing computer literacy, its more and more common for people to write their own websites. If you’ve chosen to do this, the HTML validator will check your content to make sure there are no errors, ensuring that your site displays exactly how you want it to.

Please note: this tool is not available on any Web Hosting plans purchased after July 2020 or Premium Hosting plans purchased after August 2020.

Step 1 of 6

Start by logging in to your legacy Control Panel. For details on how to do this, please read the following article: How do I access and manage my products?

Step 2 of 6

From there, select Web Hosting or Premium Hosting within the ‘Manage active products’ section, depending on which product you wish to use.

Next, select Manage opposite the ‘(bought before XX/XX/XX)’ option.


Step 3 of 6

This will show you an overview of your current hosting packages. Click Manage for the account you wish to use.


Step 4 of 6

On the next page, select Manage for the domain you wish to access.


Step 5 of 6

Click on the HTML Validator option in the Website Help & Diagnostics section.

Step 6 of 6

This will take you to the W3C Markup Validation Service page, here you can check you HTML code by one of three ways:

  • Validate by URI
  • Validate by File Upload
  • Validate by direct input