What are 123 Reg’s new product names?

This article will list all the new plan names for 123 Reg’s products.

Simply click on a title below to skip to the most appropriate section. You can also click the Top button to return and make another selection. 

Please note: these product name changes will take place over the next few months. Please keep an eye out in your Control Panel and invoices for these new product names. 

Domain Privacy and Ownership Protection

Current Product NameNew Product Name
DOP LiteFull Domain Protection
DOPUltimate Domain Protection

Email & Office

Current Product Name New Product Name 
Microsoft 365 Basic Microsoft 365 Online Business Essentials 
Microsoft 365 Standard Microsoft 365 Business Professional 


Current Product Name New Product Name 
Web Hosting Starter Web Hosting Economy 
Web Hosting Standard Web Hosting Deluxe 
Web Hosting Pro Web Hosting Ultimate 
Web Hosting Ultimate Web Hosting Maximum 
Managed WordPress Starter Managed WordPress Basic 
Managed WordPress Standard Managed WordPress Deluxe 
Managed WordPress Pro Managed WordPress Ultimate 
Managed WordPress Ultimate Managed WordPress Ecommerce 
Managed WordPress Multi Starter Managed WordPress Pro 5 
Managed WordPress Multi Standard Managed WordPress Pro 10 
Managed WordPress Multi Pro Managed WordPress Pro 25 
Managed WordPress Multi Ultimate Managed WordPress Pro 50 
Premium Hosting Starter Web Hosting Plus Launch 
Premium Hosting Standard Web Hosting Plus Enhance 
Premium Hosting Pro Web Hosting Plus Grow 
Premium Hosting Ultimate Web Hosting Plus Expand 
VPS Hosting Starter VPS Hosting 1 vCPU 
VPS Hosting L VPS Hosting 2 vCPU 
VPS Hosting XL VPS Hosting 4 vCPU 
VPS Hosting XXL VPS Hosting 8 vCPU 

SSL Certificates

Current Product Name New Product Name 
SSL Certificates Domain Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificate 
SSL Certificates Organisation Organisational Validation (OV) SSL Certificate 
SSL Certificates Extended Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate 
Domain Wildcard Standard Validation (DV) Wildcard SSL Certificate 
Organisation Wildcard Organisational Validation (OV) Wildcard SSL Certificate