123 Reg Support

Common HTTP errors

This article applies to HTTP Error Codes.

This article will explain what some of the common HTTP error codes mean.

HTTP error 500 (internal server error)

This is a general-purpose error message that is returned when a web server encounters an internal error such as the web server could be overloaded and unable to handle requests correctly.

HTTP error 404 (not found)

A 404 error is what happens when you try to access a resource that does not exist, this can be because:

It is common place now to find custom 404 error pages on some websites to try and counter the ill effect of broken links for visitors.

HTTP error 401 (unauthorized)

A 401 is what a visitor see's if they try to access a restricted web page without the authorization to do so and fail at the login.

HTTP error 403 (forbidden)

A 403 error is similar to a 401 error, but there is a difference between unauthorized and forbidden. A forbidden error will have no login opportunity available, such as trying to access a (forbidden) directory on a website.

It may also be caused by the ownership or permission settings of a file, to change these settings please see the following guide: How do I change permissions/ownership of a file using FTP/SSH with Plesk?

HTTP error 400 (bad request)

This error is a message from the web server to tell you that your web browser accessed it incorrectly or that the request was corrupted along the way.

Please note: If you cannot access a website at all either from its network or your network being down you will not get a HTTP error, instead your connection attempt will simply time out.