123 Reg Support

I get a security warning when trying to login to my VPS, What now?

This article applies to 123 Reg VPS servers.
This article will explain why you may get a security warning when trying to login to your VPS. The first time you are logging into your VPS, you may see a security warning in your browser. The reason is because we are using a type of certificate with added security. There are 2 types of certificates: Both certificates have the exact level of security. The self-signed certificate is issued by Webfusion, which means you will need to accept it one single time in your browser. The browser doesn’t recognise Webfusion as an issuer as it does with already established authorities who issue SSL certificates. Please Accept the security warning to access your Server for the first time.

If you are using Firefox you will need to do the following:

To login to your VPS, you will first need to confirm the security warning.

If you are using Internet Explorer you will need to do the following:

To login to your VPS, you will first need to confirm the security warning.