123 Reg Support

How do I login to my Cloud Server via VNC?

This article applies to 123 Reg Cloud Servers and Dedicated Cloud Servers.

This article will explain how you can connect to a 123 Reg Cloud or Dedicated Cloud Server using VNC. Before you can connect to your 123 Reg Cloud Server, you will need to activate VNC access. You can do this by following these steps:

Step 1 of 5

Start by logging in to your 123 Reg Control Panel.


Step 2 of 5

From there, select Cloud Hybrid Servers within the ‘Manage active products’ section and then select Manage opposite Manage Cloud Hybrid Servers.


Step 3 of 5

Click on the Manage button next to the Cloud Server you wish to configure.

Step 4 of 5

Click on the Connectivity tab.

Step 5 of 5

In the Connectivity – Graphical (VNC) Console section ensure that the box Activate VNC access is selected.

Please note: Your VNC password is required to be 8 characters long.

Click on the Save button to complete the activation.

Connecting using a VNC client

You will need to have a VNC client installed to connect to your 123 Reg Cloud Server, in this example we are using TightVNC.

Step 1 of 3

Open your VNVC client software. In the Remote Host: field enter the IP address of your 123 Reg Cloud Server with the port number 6001 appended at the end with a colon.

Step 2 of 3

Press the Connect button to start the VNC session. Then, enter the username for your Cloud Server and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Please Note: The username and password for your 123 Reg Cloud Server would have been included in your welcome email when purchasing the server.

Step 3 of 3

Enter the password for your Cloud Server and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

You will now be connected to your Cloud Server using a VNC Client.