How do I view my Dedicated server Email History?

This FAQ will show you how to access your server's email history.

You will receive periodic emails from your server. This article will show you where to find the email archive, and how to search for the email you’re looking for.

Step 1 of 3

From the Administration section of the tool bar, select Email History from the drop-down menu.

Step 2 of 3

This will take you to your Email History page, showing you an overview of the archive of emails that will have been sent to you from the system. You can use the Search functions to search for specific terms or to filter all messages from a specific server or date range.

Click on the Details button to get a more in-depth look at your selected email.

Step 3 of 3

In the Details page, you will see all of the information associated with your email, including the send date, recipient and email content.

Click on the ? button next to the status to review the status of the email. This is especially useful if you have not received the email as it will show you why the email was not received.