123 Reg Support

Unable to send attachments through Webmail interface or upload big files via PHP scripts

This article applies to 123 Reg servers running Plesk.

Please note: this article was originally created for our previous generation of Virtual Private Servers. As such, these instructions may not be relevant to our current generation of Virtual Private Servers.

By default PHP is configured to upload files upto 2MB in size, this will give you an error message if you are trying to upload larger files. If you need to upload larger files this limit can be increased by editing the following values in the file /etc/php.ini:

  • memory_limit
  • upload_max_filesize
  • post_max_size

You will then need to restart Apache.

Please note: The value for post_max_size must be greater than the value for upload_max_filesize

The value for memory_limit must be greater than the value for post_max_size