Six ways to provide online customer support on a budget

If you’re a good salesperson, you can probably sell anything to anyone… once. However, it’s your approach to customer support…

Alexandra Gavril

Swift Six: Using UX to turn visitors into customers

In this edition of the 123-reg Swift Six, we'll be looking at how better user experience (UX) can help you…

Nick Leech

From A to xyz – The destination domain?

You’ve heard of Generation X? ('The lost generation' born 1966-1976) Generation Y? ('The millenniums' born approx 1977-1994) and Generation Z?…

Tim Fuell

Hello Ello: Can a new platform be a threat to Facebook, Twitter et al.

At risk of making us all sound like Cockney barrow-boys the latest new social network to get timelines buzzing, may…

Tim Fuell

Have you seen our comprehensive online marketing guides?

Running an online business is hard and you need all the help and advice you can get. That's why over…

Will Stevens

The dos and don’ts of writing email subject lines

These days, the chances of your email being ignored or deleted are rather high – unless you have a rockin’…

Alexandra Gavril

Shellshock Bash bug attack: what do you need to do?

On Wednesday 24th September, 2014, The Red Hat security group released an important vulnerability announcement for bash. The security flaw,…

Thomas Costello

How to spot and avoid bad SEO agencies

There are just too many small businesses out there that are getting swindled by search engine optimisation (SEO) agencies that…

Alexandra Gavril

15 must-read small biz articles for September

As a small business owner, staying up-to-date with the latest on content marketing, social media, search engine optimisation (SEO) and…

Alexandra Gavril

Great .scot ! A highland domain

The latest new gTLD to hit the market is the Scotland promoting .scot domain and is somewhat different from the stream of…

Tim Fuell