How a custom logo can help small businesses compete online

Set foot on any high street in Britain and you will instantly know where you can get a burger, where you can get a pizza, where you can get a coffee, where you can pick up your groceries and where to go if you need first aid supplies. From McDonalds to Boots, a huge number of chains are instantly recognisable to shoppers in the UK.

Branding is the driving force behind this recognisability – the shops are so familiar because no matter which branch you visit, everything is fundamentally the same. Branding encompasses many things (you can learn about them in our introduction to branding webinar) but a crucial part of a successful brand is a good logo. In fact, 88% of people can recognise the McDonalds’ logo, the Golden Arches.

And logos aren’t just for offline. The websites of all these major high street retailers also feature their logos, and online-only businesses such as Facebook, Twitter and Amazon also have highly recognisable logos. However, logos aren’t just for corporate giants. Competing with bigger rivals can seem like a big ask for a small business, but branding is one of the easier areas for smaller firms to mimic their larger rivals.

So why should you consider getting a custom logo?

There are a few reasons that an online business should invest in a logo. Let’s look at each in turn.


We’ve already touched on this, and it is one of the biggest benefits of having a logo. Your logo will feature on your website, any emails you send customers, your social media channels and, if you have one, your physical shop. Your logo helps reinforce your company’s image in the mind of existing and potential customers. That means that when you communicate with them, or they visit your website they’ll be more likely know who they’re dealing with and what to expect.


The fact that logos are ubiquitous among big, reputable firms means that consumers expect to encounter them. If you don’t have a logo, it may have a negative impact on your credibility and potential customers might instead do business with your rivals. You can learn more about improving your trust signals in this guide.


Rebranding can help turn tired, failing companies back into vibrant, profitable businesses. Just look at Old Spice which went from being a brand used by grandfathers to having wider appeal through rebranding. There are plenty more examples of companies doing this. If you need to rebrand, then a new logo is a vital part of the process.

So how can you get a custom logo?

Although getting a logo is highly desirable, often the process for having one created can seem complex. Fortunately 123-reg offers a custom logo design service that takes the hassle out of things.

Here are some of the common reasons smaller firms avoid getting a logo and how 123-reg can help you overcome them.

I’m worried a logo will be too expensive

The 123-reg logo design service costs just £189 (+ VAT). That includes design iterations until you are 100% happy with the final result. Creating a logo online means you’ll get the logo your business needs without having to break the bank.

I’m worried the creative process will be confusing

No one understands your business better than you, but often the biggest challenge is taking that understanding and turning it into a logo that represents your business. That’s why our team will work with you every step of the way to ensure what you end up with is exactly what you want. You’ll discuss your business and objectives with our team and we’ll use your company values to create a logo that fits your brand perfectly.

I’m worried that the process will take too long

Once you’ve had your initial discussion with our team, you’ll receive draft concept designs within seven working days. Then we’ll work with you to fine tune your preferred design and develop a logo that’s perfect for your business. It’s a lot less bother than designing your own logo and it will bring all the benefits we’ve discussed in this article.

Ready to get started?

Call us on 0333 014 4550 or email us at experts@123-reg.co.uk

Will Stevens:
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