Categories: Web Design

What our fans say: Social sharing is key

When we asked our Facebook fans what was the most important element to a successful business website, it was no surprise that social media sharing was vital to our customers businesses. What good is having great and engaging content if people have no way to share it?

Very simply, that is the question all businesses need to ask. One of the most effective ways of getting traffic to your website is by using social sharing buttons. These sharing buttons should be seen as free advertising and brands that are not taking advantage of them are in danger of missing out.

So what is social sharing?

Social sharing enables users to connect with something that you have done on your website with their friends on a variety of social networks. As your content begins to be distributed across the web, your referral traffic will increase. Furthermore, your website rankings will increase in search engine results.

The most important part of social media is to actually be social! We are a world that loves to share; with latest research suggesting that 27 million pieces of content are shared each day. Furthermore, further research shows that 23% of social media messages include links to branded content. This presents a massive opportunity, one that shouldn’t be ignored.

Share your way to the top

For anybody that is interested in content marketing, making sure that you work your way to the top of search engines has at the top of your priority list has to be the understanding of content. As we discussed last time, your content is what distinguishes you from the rest of the online noise. In an ever increasingly competitive world, standing out is crucial.

Social sharing is a great tactic if you want to drive traffic to your website. In just one click, users can easily share your products and services, putting these potential new customers just a click away from your products and services pages, exposing your brand to a new audience.

But remember, people will not share content that they do not like. Invest your time and effort into creating engaging, informative and relevant content for your audience. Then allow your customers and fans to share!

Thomas Costello:
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