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Articles for the 'Web hosting' Category

Free Perl Conference in London

By Simon - November 19, 2008

Not wanting Perl developers to feel left out after the PHP conference in Manchester we mentioned recently, there’s a grassroots Perl conference in London the week afterwards, on Saturday November 29th. Perl has...

Calling PHP Developers in the North West

By Simon - November 14, 2008

That’s the north west of England (so apologies to our readers in Oregon or Wester Ross or the north west of any other country), more specifically Manchester. PHPNW08 is a PHP conference taking...

Officially the biggest web host in the UK

By John - February 6, 2008

We don’t usually like to show off too much, but some research landed in our inbox the other day which says we’re officially the biggest web host in the UK. We think...

View your web statistics with Google Analytics

By John - November 16, 2007

Web statistics can be strangely compelling. Honestly, they can. Not convinced? What if you could: See exactly how many people have been looking at your site Drill down to see common paths people took...