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Articles for the 'Web hosting' Category

Top 123-reg support queries

By John - November 22, 2010

Our support team deals with a whole variety of questions from customers. We’ve probably covered every conceivable query at some point, from changing where a domain name points and managing web hosting to...

This is why you went to University

By Tim Fuell - February 19, 2010

OK, the folks at home, might be looking forward to your Graduation day and a chance for a new hat while boasting to the neighbours about your latest qualification, but the best...

Top six ways to use our student hosting offer

By John - February 4, 2010

You might have seen that we’re running a great deal on hosting for students. You can get our Plus hosting package, a .info domain name and free access to lots of industry-standard...

Does it Matter Where Your Website is Hosted?

By John - January 18, 2010

There’s a bewildering array of things to consider when trying to optimise your website for search engines like Google. One that gets overlooked — and yet so easy to influence — is...

An Introduction to DNS

By 123 Reg - April 30, 2009

DNS (Domain Name System) always seems to be popping up when you want to create or modify a website. But if you’re not familiar with the concept, DNS can be a complicated...

Get tanned while you work?

By 123 Reg - April 1, 2009

Most of us mere mortals don’t have access to a sun bed at work. But given the alarmingly high rate of skin cancer cases in the UK, this is probably a good...