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Articles for the 'Top 6 lists' Category

6 ways to help start up Britain

By Tim Fuell - November 14, 2012

Today is StartUp Britain’s #STARTUPDAY! Their aim is to celebrate the ever-increasing contribution that start-ups make to the British economy and we think that’s a pretty good thing to be celebrating. The...

6 top uses of a Raspberry Pi

By Tim Fuell - November 2, 2012

If you’ve not yet heard of a Raspberry Pi, where have you been? If you’ve not yet got a Raspberry Pi, why not? If you think you don’t want a Raspberry Pi, you...

6 sales techniques the experts keep secret

By Tim Fuell - September 20, 2012

While bookstores are packed full with sales tip books, getting the best sales people to reveal the real magic ingredients of their success is often an almost impossible task. Nobody likes to...

Getting your writing right

By Tim Fuell - August 14, 2012

If content is king, the way you tell it is certainly in line for a noble title. How your chosen words and sentences combine can have a massive influence on your readers....

6 top tips on password security

By Tim Fuell - July 17, 2012

Almost every week the news channels are busy with a story on another big high-profile password breach, the latest being Yahoo  investigating a breach via its Yahoo Voices servers. Here at 123-reg we...

When is a blog not a blog…?

By Tim Fuell - June 19, 2012

When it’s a fully functioning website. Image courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net The concept of blog hosting should be taken as a mere description of the tools available at your disposal and not the content you...