123 Reg Support

What is a Premium Domain name?

Premium domains are domain names that have already been registered but are being resold at a premium rate. Some people even register domain names specifically so that they can then resell at a later date.

Buying a Premium domain is the best way to secure popular domain names that you would otherwise be unable to register.

Please note: Premium domains aren’t to be confused with Registry Premium domains. For more information on these, please read the following article: What is a Registry Premium Domain name?

Why is a Premium Domain Name so expensive?

Premium domain names cost more than standard domain registrations as shorter domain names are more memorable and marketable, this can help in securing top placements with search engines.

It is almost impossible to find unregistered one-word generic or two- or three-character domains. This makes Premium domain names rare, with some buyers willing to pay large sums to own them.

Upon renewal of your Premium domain name, you will be charged the usual extension price.

How soon will I get a Premium Domain Name when I order?

Once you have completed the purchase of a Premium domain, it may take up to 60 days for it to be transferred to 123 Reg, whereupon it will be placed into your account for you to manage alongside your other domains.

Can I cancel the order of a Premium Domain Name?

Unlike registering other products, there is no grace period when purchasing an already existing Premium domain name as you are only transferring the ownership of the domain name.

You may cancel your order if it hasn’t been paid for yet. However, once the order has been submitted, it cannot be cancelled.

How can I tell the difference between a Premium and a Standard domain?

Sadly, there is no definitive list of Premium gTLDs. You will only know what counts as a ‘Premium’ when you have searched for the domain you’re looking for, as it will feature a star icon alongside it. This means that they have a more expensive registration and renewal cost.