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The .ORG Family – Powering Mission-Driven Organisations

By 123 Reg - August 8, 2022

This is a guest blog article written by our friends at the Public Interest Registry. All views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of that of 123 Reg.

Millions of organisations around the world rely on the .ORG domain to help establish legitimacy. When people visit a site with a .ORG domain, they know it’s a trusted place where they can align with causes they care about, gain inspiration, and feel empowered to drive change in their communities.

In an increasingly digital world, it is more important than ever that these organisations, which are committed to making the world a better place, have options when connecting with their communities online.

Non-profits, businesses, philanthropic organisations, and more that are looking to make a positive impact on their communities, now have more options than ever when it comes to choosing a domain. As part of the expanded .ORG family of domains .ORG, .GIVES, and .FOUNDATION, can help mission-driven organisations strengthen their online presence.

Why Choose the .ORG Family of Domains?

Since its launch in 1985, .ORG has empowered and mobilized over 10.6 million domains and served as a reliable online venue to communicate with their core audiences about a shared interest, passion, or cause.

If an organisation aims to do good, they are a fit for the .ORG family of domains — from corporations launching a corporate social responsibility initiative, to mission-driven social enterprises, to non-profit organisations of all sizes. Our .ORG family of domains is for everyone working to make a positive impact in the world.

Build Trust with .ORG

The .ORG namespace offers the most credible, trustworthy TLD to help power your purpose, which carries through to the entire .ORG family of domains.

Public Interest Registry (PIR), which operates the .ORG family of domains, takes an active role in advancing worthy causes, building a better Internet and working to support anyone with a mission to bring their inspiration to the world and make .ORG, .GIVES, and .FOUNDATION, their online home.

In fact, through .ORG domain registrations, more than 50 cents of every dollar earned is invested in efforts to keep the Internet free, open, and accessible.

Expand Your Online Presence

The newest additions to the .ORG family of domains will further empower mission-driven organisations to engage with their communities and advance positive change in the world. Options are good. We want organisations and companies to have more tools in their toolboxes to target each of their specific audiences with the important work they’re doing to change the world.

Just like .ORG is open to any mission-driven entity — regardless of non-profit status — so are .FOUNDATION and .GIVES. The .ORG family of domains is for everyone working to make a positive impact!

.FOUNDATION allows your customers to clearly and immediately signal to audiences that the website belongs to an entity with a commitment to philanthropy, including non-profit philanthropic foundations and for-profit corporations with a philanthropic arm.

.GIVES is a good fit for corporations and social enterprises who want to highlight their CSR work, or how they give back to their community. This domain is also a fit for non-profits to use as their main online home.

Become a Part of the .ORG Community

Below are just some of the ways PIR is working to support anyone with a mission to bring their inspiration to the world and make .ORG their online home.

  • .ORG Impact Awards – PIR’s annual .ORG Impact Awards recognize individuals and groups of all sizes from across the globe that are making a difference in their communities. The 2022 finalists will be announced on September 20th!
  • .ORG Stories – The wide variety of .ORGs are highlighted through .ORG Stories which showcase the diversity across the .ORG Community. These organisations range from large non-profit to social enterprises, small businesses, and much more.
  • .ORG Learning Center – The .ORG Learning Center is providing free, easy to use tips and tools for non-profits, charities, and others to help reach donors, fundraise, and protect their digital and social presence. The .ORG Learning Center is part of PIR’s long-standing commitment to making educational resources available to the .ORG community.

Expand your online presence and invest in the .ORG family of domains with 123 Reg today!
